About Me

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What should I say about me? I love films of all sorts, films from all era's and genera's. I love pop corn films my favorite would be Iron Man, but I have a deeper love for this art from. That goes far beyond the glitz and glam of Hollywood, but if you like twilight, then I am sorry to say this is not the blog for you. I prefer films with actors who don’t suck. (Pun intended) The films I enjoy are strange and some what disturbing. To those who have tender sensibilities; this is also not the place for you. Reason being the F-word and other swear words will be prevalent in my posts. But this is not only about films, but books, television shows, video games and what ever else may come to my mind. So sit back and enjoy.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My personal favorite animated films from Japan (So far)

My personal favorite animated films from Japan
Now everybody in the States knows or at least has heard of Japanese Animae, an art forum that unlike animation here in the U.S caters to not only the youth of Japan but adults as well. The boundaries of animation that have restricted the art forum here in the west are virtually non-existent in Asia. In the West most animated films are usually rated, PG or PG13 and have little to offer to a more adult audience.

AKIRA 1988
In Japan however this is not the case, films like Akira, a cyberpunk exploration into the realm of metaphysics, is not for your average 12 or 13 year old viewer. And is by far one of the best animated films of all time, acclaimed   both in Japan and in the U.S as well, for its complex and thought provoking plot, of a near God like being hidden within a government controlled facility. 
Released in 1988 Akira is set in a dark pot war Japan of 2019. Were a third world war  has once again destroyed much of Tokyo, the survivors of the third nuclear holocaust, struggle to overcome, an oppressive government, a struggling economy, and a near collapse of organized society.  Neo-Tokyo an artificial man made island in the middle of Tokyo bay is a victim of wide spree violence and poverty, where organized biker gangs wreak havoc upon society. One member of such a biker gang Tetsuo Shima, who like Akira a child captured by the Japanese government in the mid 80’s, begins to developed near God like powers. This particular piece of art is a great way to introduce your self into Japanese animation. My only hope for this movie is that the live-action remake set to be release in fall of 2011 does the original martial justice. 

JIN ROH 1999
Another example of dystopian animated films would Jin Roh or the Wolf brigade, released in 1999, Jin Roh unlike Akira, is more of a true dystopian, along the line of 1984 or V for Vendetta. There is little to nearly nothing of a metaphysical subplot to it. However Jin Roh is more of an alternate future inspired by the chaos and turmoil of post World War Two Japan. Struggling to deal with its occupation and reconstruction.
But in Jin Roh time-line, WWII went in an entirely different direction, rather then being conquered by the United States in 1945, the Third Rich, having not been destroyed by the allied powers, has claimed control over its former ally.
 The color palate of grays, and dark blues, along with highly advanced military power armor used, by the capital police; a sort of offshoot of the SS evokes the felling of a fascists regime. The film deals with political and social chaos, as splinter cells of organized civilian lead terrorist groups, seek to over through the puppet government. And restore Japan to its former imperial glory; well an internal power struggle already threatens the stability of the regime. I would personally recommend this film if you are a fan of the dystopian genera (like me) my only hope for this film, is that it will never be remade for an American audience, a remake is always a let down, and I do not wish to see this film destroyed.

Now a personal favorite of mine going along with the theme of dystopian-esq future, would have to be the Animatrix released in 2003, as a sort prequel to the Matrix Reloaded, the Animatrix deepens the mythos set up in the first film, in a series of short stand alone tales set with in the Matrix world.
 The first two “The second Renaissance” tells the story of the world before the matrix, set some 200 hundred years before the first film.
The two part story describes the collapse of mankind into a world of decadence, and the second part tells of the war between man and machine that eventually leads to the creation of the Matrix. The lengths of each story runs anywhere from 10 minuets to 20 minuets, each with a different art style and visual brilliance.
 I personal prefer the Animatrix over its two sequels. My one wish for this film is that the Wachowski brothers decided to release a second animated short.  

Now for a much lighter animated film I would recommend The girl who leapt through time, recommend to me a be a close friend. This film does not offer much originality in the animation style, however what it lack in originality it makes up for in the plot.
As the title hints at, yes this is a time travel movie, but not in the sense of back to the future.  
 The film follows the life of a Japanese high school girl Makoto Konno, and her misadventures life. Until one day she stumbles across an advance piece of technology that is able to send the user back or forward in time, she is able to use the device to change any event of situation that is more fitting to her liking.  However the consequences of doing so are great then she ever expected. It is a heart warming coming of age type story. The plot is simple yet thought provoking; I would recommend this film just for the acting alone. Yes that may sound odd but to convey emotions using only ones voice is an impressive feet of acting. The girl who leapt through time is a mix of humor and teenage rebellion. And unlike my previous three posts in this blog, it will not leave you wondering. In short; The girl who leapt through time is a perfect starter film for the  casual viewer.

In short the above four films are all great and unique in their own way, but as I am still discovering new anime films all the time I am sure will have more to add in a few months. But for the mean time if you are anything like me a lover of films, then I would recommend any of these for your viewing pleaser.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Korean beauty: Lee Young Ae

The Korean beauty Lee Young Ae, an actress who I can only compare to Audrey Hepburn in the grace and class she portrays. 
Although unknown here in the states, Miss Lee is somewhat of a super star in her home Nation of Korea. Her beauty is not so much that of a sexy Hollywood starlet, but that of a classical well mannered and talented woman. I have a bit of a crush on her because of this, her films all of which I have seen, include Joint security Area, One fine Spring Day, and Lady Vengeance. She is a woman loaded with talent, fluent in Korean, English and German, a true gift to the world in the sense that she has the ability to act in a verity of films, from different nation. Both in  Asia, Europe and the U.S.  Her fame is only growing and I hope to see more amazing films of her in the coming years. But for now I would highly recommend the films she has done with Korean director Park Chan Wook. A good introduction in Miss Lee’s films would be ether JSA or Lady Vengeance, trust me you will fall in love with her,just as I did.   

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sucker punch

Sucker Punch the latest film by Zack Snyder , acclaimed director of 300 and Watchmen, staring Vanessa Hudgens  as Blondie, Emily Browning Baby Doll, Abbie Cornish as Sweet pea, Jena Malone as Rocket and Jamie Chung as Amber. The film tells the story of a young women who after her beloved mothers death is sent to a mental clinic by her abusive step father. Well imprisoned with in the asylum she begins to invasion her self and friends as an elite fighting force, fighting there way through a series of obstacles in order to gain there freedom. The alternate world they imagine is in fact the key to their freedom in the harsh reality they are forced to live in.
Since I first saw the trailer released back in mid October I knew this was going to be the one film I just had to watch next year. The reasons well just see for your self, trust me this movie will be a visual feast for the eyes and senses. It is safe to say that this will be Zack Snyder’s best film to date, unlike his previous films such as Dawn of the Dead, a remake of the original 1960’s classic zombie film, and 300 and Watchmen both of which are adaptations of two amazing graphic novels. Sucker Punch will be his first original project 
 I will write more about this film at a later date, but for now I will leave you with a little taste of this amazing movie.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Vengeance trilogy

The Vengeance trilogy
Are a series of Korean films directed by Park Chan Wook, a man whom I can only compare to Stanly Kubrick or Ridley Scott, in his ability to turn a film into a master piece, in color design, and story telling.
The Three films with in the series, tell three separate stories of two men and one women seeking revenge on those who wronged them.
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
 Is a decent inro into  the series
However the second one
Old Boy is a dark and twisted story of revenge, murder mystery and incest.
 The last of the series Sympathy For Lady Vengeance tells the story of a woman wrongfully imprisoned for kidnapping and murder.
The beautiful Lee young Ah (Whom I will be talking about in a later post)  
Plays the lead role, an actress that I greatly admire, not only for her grace but her charm as well. If you have not seen these film I would recommend you watching them, and unlike most film series, every movie is a stand alone film, so you do not have to watch it in any order at all. 

Always Look On The Bright Side of Life From the life of brian

Knights Of The Round Table. I have a soft spot for Monty Python

Saturday, December 11, 2010

New Order - Temptation '87 A great song by New Order, a perfect expresson of life as a young adult

Choose Life!

Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: [narrating] Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suit on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?

Romance films for the idealistic dreamer.

Romance a common subject matter in most films, most suck however and aren’t worth remembering. And some such as chick flicks just flat out sucks and are unbearable to watch, at least to us guys any ways. But every once and a while a romance movie comes along that gives a breath of fresh air to the genera. Two examples of a romance film that goes beyond the gender lines is the 2009 smash hit, 500 Days of Summer. A film that I truly love as it is something more relatable then the far fetched childhood fantasy type love story. The films opening statement makes it clear that the movie is about love, but it is not a love story. The romance between Joseph Gordon-Levitt character Tom Hansen and Zooey Deschanel character Summer Finn is something we can all relate to. That individual that comes into out life at some point, turns our world up side down,  that person whom you can not help but fall head over hills for, but in the end despite the gut felling you have, that he or she may be “the one”, they just end up breaking your heart, and leave you  to gather up the piece on the floor, yet you pick your self up and move on. That is true romance, not a high minded stylized idea of chasseing after her or him hoping they may take you back, how often does that actually happen in life?  Or the classic Hollywood idea of standing outside of their house in the rain admitting you mistakes and asking for them to love you again.  
I know we all wish to believe in this, but the sad truth is, it is just the creation of the writer. 500 Days of Summer breaks these traditional views of romance and love, and states that life is full of pain, and love is a double edged sword.  To quote Huey Louis and the News “It can make another man weep, make another man sing” and indeed in the end this film will make you weep, even if you are a guy. (Ladies us men are not as heartless as you may believe, trust me love makes us do stupid thing)   
Another romance film that adds an extra something to this tired out film genera is Wristcutters a love story. Despite the name the film is not as dark as you may believe, even if all the charters in the film killed themselves. Set in a sort of purgatory where everyone has committed suicide, one man tries to search for his ex-girlfriend who also offed her self. Along the way he runs into a young women searching for the people in charge (PIC) the preview can be found in another post.  Unlike most romance films, this particular piece of art, reminds you the audience how wonderful life can be. And despite the many hardship it may bring, love is something worth living for, even in death one can still find love (Yes I know that sounds odd) when I watched this film I was up lifted in a weird sort of way, the basic message of the film is that life is short, might as well live it well you can. Wristcutters is one of those indie films that went unnoticed by the main stream media, which is sad given the heart warming performances Patrick Fugit as Zia, and Shannyn Sossamon as Mikal, it is an odd romance film for any one looking for something original and unique. I would recommend both of these films just for their heartwarming and inspirational value.  Rent them if you haven’t all ready seen them, and if you have what the hell watch it a second time. Or third, or forth, hell maybe even a fifth or sixth.  

The films of Danny Boyle

Why are they amazing? Well the answer is simple everything he has done from Shallow Grave to Slumdog Millionaire, always has a thought provoking  plot line to it.
His films go beyond what would expect to see in a normal Hollywood  movie, his  works  such as Trainspotting, a personal favorite of mine, goes above what would expect to find in a drug film. Instead the dark subject matter of drug addiction become a coming of age story, mixed in with some dark humor, and a stunning visual experience.  Along with a great soundtrack mix added in for some extra juice.
 No genera has been left untouched by this man, horror, drug films, science fiction and romance.
Now 28 Days Later released in 2002, is a perfect example of his ability to reinvent, a film genera. 28 Days takes the normal zombie film and adds a dash of 21st century rage to it. ( If you have seen the movie you know what i am referring to) He reinvented the zombie film for the 21st century, no longer are the undead slow walking bodies seeking human brains to chew on; they are now rage infected speed races able to chase down their next meal at top speeds.

His trip into the Scifi realm was in 2007, with a film that went below the raider here in the U.S, was Sunshine, a far better science fiction film that anything released here in the States. (Yes i am referring to transformers and Avatar) The film, like most other Sci-fi movies deals with mankind's last days, and a last ditch effort to save humanity from our dying star, by reigniting it, with a nuclear bomb, the size of New York City. But despite some far fetched ideas the films does what no other Sci-fi film has, and that is make the trip worth wild with an extraordinary visual treat for the eyes the darkness of space is no longer the backdrop, instead that vast glow of the sun now become the focus.It is a movie for any one who likes a little metaphysics with their science fiction.
His most recent film Slumdog Millionaire, tells the story of an Indian orphan searching for his long lost lover, well being a contestant on Who wants to be a Millionaire. His whole life had given him the answer to the questions of the game show, and asks if there is such a thing as "the one"  the end money is useless, love is all that matters.
This movie has gone beyond India and has become a world successes, it's message of love over money is a perfect message for the times we live in.

Along with his visuals Danny Boyle focuses on the score and  soundtrack of his films, along with his selection of actors. not a single film of his lacks in any of these ares. i recommended any of his films to you if you have not seen them. trust me they will not disappoint.    

Friday, December 10, 2010

Children of Men Trailer The best dystopian film of the 21st century

"Wristcutters: A Love Story" Best Romance film EVER!

Portlandia A new series on IFC hope this doesn't make me a hipster

The films I love

As if the title wasn’t  obvious the entire blog will be devoted to all sorts of forms of entertainment. But mainly the focus of this blog will be films so in order to introduce you to my world of movies I decided to list them off, in no order at all.
These are just films that I enjoy watching. If you haven’t seen them then I would highly recommend you watch them.

500 Days of Summer (This film is just perfect the best romance comedy I have ever seen.)

Alien (The haunted house story taken to new limits, beware in space no one can hear you scream)

Blade Runner (LA 2019, a government bounty hunter faces off agents escaped humanoids seeking an answer to the mystery of life.)

2001: A Space Odyssey (After eons of evolution mankind is at last ready to head out into the vastness of space. But he is not alone in the universe)

DR. Strangelove: or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb (A rouge military commander sparks world war three, to protect our precious bodily fluids)

Old Boy (After 15 years in a privately owned prison, a man discover who kidnapped him and why? And the mystery of his lost daughter)

Hard Candy (A high school freshmen destroys the life of a sexual predator)  

Curse of the golden flower (The vast empire of ancient China faces an internal struggle, as the royal family slow destroys it self, due to intense personal conflicts.)

Sympathy for lady vengeance (A woman wrongfully accused of kidnapping, seeks revenge on the man who imprisoned her)

Writscuters: A love story ( in the world after death post-suicidal individuals must learn the true meaning of love and life)

That’s it for right now.