About Me

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What should I say about me? I love films of all sorts, films from all era's and genera's. I love pop corn films my favorite would be Iron Man, but I have a deeper love for this art from. That goes far beyond the glitz and glam of Hollywood, but if you like twilight, then I am sorry to say this is not the blog for you. I prefer films with actors who don’t suck. (Pun intended) The films I enjoy are strange and some what disturbing. To those who have tender sensibilities; this is also not the place for you. Reason being the F-word and other swear words will be prevalent in my posts. But this is not only about films, but books, television shows, video games and what ever else may come to my mind. So sit back and enjoy.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The films I love

As if the title wasn’t  obvious the entire blog will be devoted to all sorts of forms of entertainment. But mainly the focus of this blog will be films so in order to introduce you to my world of movies I decided to list them off, in no order at all.
These are just films that I enjoy watching. If you haven’t seen them then I would highly recommend you watch them.

500 Days of Summer (This film is just perfect the best romance comedy I have ever seen.)

Alien (The haunted house story taken to new limits, beware in space no one can hear you scream)

Blade Runner (LA 2019, a government bounty hunter faces off agents escaped humanoids seeking an answer to the mystery of life.)

2001: A Space Odyssey (After eons of evolution mankind is at last ready to head out into the vastness of space. But he is not alone in the universe)

DR. Strangelove: or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb (A rouge military commander sparks world war three, to protect our precious bodily fluids)

Old Boy (After 15 years in a privately owned prison, a man discover who kidnapped him and why? And the mystery of his lost daughter)

Hard Candy (A high school freshmen destroys the life of a sexual predator)  

Curse of the golden flower (The vast empire of ancient China faces an internal struggle, as the royal family slow destroys it self, due to intense personal conflicts.)

Sympathy for lady vengeance (A woman wrongfully accused of kidnapping, seeks revenge on the man who imprisoned her)

Writscuters: A love story ( in the world after death post-suicidal individuals must learn the true meaning of love and life)

That’s it for right now.

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