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What should I say about me? I love films of all sorts, films from all era's and genera's. I love pop corn films my favorite would be Iron Man, but I have a deeper love for this art from. That goes far beyond the glitz and glam of Hollywood, but if you like twilight, then I am sorry to say this is not the blog for you. I prefer films with actors who don’t suck. (Pun intended) The films I enjoy are strange and some what disturbing. To those who have tender sensibilities; this is also not the place for you. Reason being the F-word and other swear words will be prevalent in my posts. But this is not only about films, but books, television shows, video games and what ever else may come to my mind. So sit back and enjoy.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Romance films for the idealistic dreamer.

Romance a common subject matter in most films, most suck however and aren’t worth remembering. And some such as chick flicks just flat out sucks and are unbearable to watch, at least to us guys any ways. But every once and a while a romance movie comes along that gives a breath of fresh air to the genera. Two examples of a romance film that goes beyond the gender lines is the 2009 smash hit, 500 Days of Summer. A film that I truly love as it is something more relatable then the far fetched childhood fantasy type love story. The films opening statement makes it clear that the movie is about love, but it is not a love story. The romance between Joseph Gordon-Levitt character Tom Hansen and Zooey Deschanel character Summer Finn is something we can all relate to. That individual that comes into out life at some point, turns our world up side down,  that person whom you can not help but fall head over hills for, but in the end despite the gut felling you have, that he or she may be “the one”, they just end up breaking your heart, and leave you  to gather up the piece on the floor, yet you pick your self up and move on. That is true romance, not a high minded stylized idea of chasseing after her or him hoping they may take you back, how often does that actually happen in life?  Or the classic Hollywood idea of standing outside of their house in the rain admitting you mistakes and asking for them to love you again.  
I know we all wish to believe in this, but the sad truth is, it is just the creation of the writer. 500 Days of Summer breaks these traditional views of romance and love, and states that life is full of pain, and love is a double edged sword.  To quote Huey Louis and the News “It can make another man weep, make another man sing” and indeed in the end this film will make you weep, even if you are a guy. (Ladies us men are not as heartless as you may believe, trust me love makes us do stupid thing)   
Another romance film that adds an extra something to this tired out film genera is Wristcutters a love story. Despite the name the film is not as dark as you may believe, even if all the charters in the film killed themselves. Set in a sort of purgatory where everyone has committed suicide, one man tries to search for his ex-girlfriend who also offed her self. Along the way he runs into a young women searching for the people in charge (PIC) the preview can be found in another post.  Unlike most romance films, this particular piece of art, reminds you the audience how wonderful life can be. And despite the many hardship it may bring, love is something worth living for, even in death one can still find love (Yes I know that sounds odd) when I watched this film I was up lifted in a weird sort of way, the basic message of the film is that life is short, might as well live it well you can. Wristcutters is one of those indie films that went unnoticed by the main stream media, which is sad given the heart warming performances Patrick Fugit as Zia, and Shannyn Sossamon as Mikal, it is an odd romance film for any one looking for something original and unique. I would recommend both of these films just for their heartwarming and inspirational value.  Rent them if you haven’t all ready seen them, and if you have what the hell watch it a second time. Or third, or forth, hell maybe even a fifth or sixth.  

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