About Me

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What should I say about me? I love films of all sorts, films from all era's and genera's. I love pop corn films my favorite would be Iron Man, but I have a deeper love for this art from. That goes far beyond the glitz and glam of Hollywood, but if you like twilight, then I am sorry to say this is not the blog for you. I prefer films with actors who don’t suck. (Pun intended) The films I enjoy are strange and some what disturbing. To those who have tender sensibilities; this is also not the place for you. Reason being the F-word and other swear words will be prevalent in my posts. But this is not only about films, but books, television shows, video games and what ever else may come to my mind. So sit back and enjoy.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The films of Danny Boyle

Why are they amazing? Well the answer is simple everything he has done from Shallow Grave to Slumdog Millionaire, always has a thought provoking  plot line to it.
His films go beyond what would expect to see in a normal Hollywood  movie, his  works  such as Trainspotting, a personal favorite of mine, goes above what would expect to find in a drug film. Instead the dark subject matter of drug addiction become a coming of age story, mixed in with some dark humor, and a stunning visual experience.  Along with a great soundtrack mix added in for some extra juice.
 No genera has been left untouched by this man, horror, drug films, science fiction and romance.
Now 28 Days Later released in 2002, is a perfect example of his ability to reinvent, a film genera. 28 Days takes the normal zombie film and adds a dash of 21st century rage to it. ( If you have seen the movie you know what i am referring to) He reinvented the zombie film for the 21st century, no longer are the undead slow walking bodies seeking human brains to chew on; they are now rage infected speed races able to chase down their next meal at top speeds.

His trip into the Scifi realm was in 2007, with a film that went below the raider here in the U.S, was Sunshine, a far better science fiction film that anything released here in the States. (Yes i am referring to transformers and Avatar) The film, like most other Sci-fi movies deals with mankind's last days, and a last ditch effort to save humanity from our dying star, by reigniting it, with a nuclear bomb, the size of New York City. But despite some far fetched ideas the films does what no other Sci-fi film has, and that is make the trip worth wild with an extraordinary visual treat for the eyes the darkness of space is no longer the backdrop, instead that vast glow of the sun now become the focus.It is a movie for any one who likes a little metaphysics with their science fiction.
His most recent film Slumdog Millionaire, tells the story of an Indian orphan searching for his long lost lover, well being a contestant on Who wants to be a Millionaire. His whole life had given him the answer to the questions of the game show, and asks if there is such a thing as "the one"  the end money is useless, love is all that matters.
This movie has gone beyond India and has become a world successes, it's message of love over money is a perfect message for the times we live in.

Along with his visuals Danny Boyle focuses on the score and  soundtrack of his films, along with his selection of actors. not a single film of his lacks in any of these ares. i recommended any of his films to you if you have not seen them. trust me they will not disappoint.    

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